I, Benjamin Dickerson of the county of Prince Edward, Virginia, being low in health but of sound mind, and having but little prospect of enjoying this life long, and being desirous to dispose of my worldly matters do establish this as my last will and testament, hereby revoking any and all wills made by me at any previous time, in manner and form following to wit:

First.  It is my desire that all my just debts be paid (by my  executor here after named) as soon as conveniently can be done, of the proceeds of my estate.

Second.  After the payment of my debts, I will that my wife have the entire use of all my lands, stock of every description, household and kitchen furniture; crop of all kinds, and plantation utensils, during her natural life.

Third.  After the decease of my wife, I give to my three sons William, John and David, all my lands to be equally divided among them, in value; assigning to David the lot I now live on, to John the lot his grandfather Elkanah lived on, and to William the middle lot between the said lots; it being the sme whereon he formerly lived; to them and their heirs forever. 

Fourth. I give to each of my daughters one feather bed and furniture to them and their hairs, after the decease of their mother.

Fifth.  All the balance of my estate I will to be equally divided; and one half I give to my sons, and the other half to my daughters.

Sixth and lastly, I hereby constitute and appoint my friend James McDearman, Executor to this my last will and testament.

Given under my hand and seal this 13th day of May 1833.

Acknowledged in the presence of 
Samuel D. McDearmon                                                                                                         Benjamin Dickerson 
Peter F. Dickerson
John R. McDearmon

At a court held for Prince Edward County, July the 15th of 1833.  This last will and testament of Benjamin Dickerson as it was presented in court and proved by the oaths of Saml D. McDearmon and John R. McDearmon two witnesses thereto, ordered that the same be recorded.

Teste: R. J. Worsham, Cle